The Army Remembrance Pin Acknowledges the Service of Men and Women Who Have Died While in Army.

Type of post: Profile news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: John Verhelst
Status: Current
Date Posted: Sat, 14 Jan 2023

The Army Remembrance Pin, a gift from the Chief of Army, is a symbol for the families of all Army members who have died while in service, both domestically and on operations, since 3 September 1945. The pin also demonstrates Army’s deep appreciation of the members’ and their families’ contributions to the Australian Army.

The following family members are automatically eligible to receive the Army Remembrance Pin on application:

Spouse or recognised interdependent partner; Children, including stepchildren; and Parents and/or stepparents.

A person who is not listed as an eligible family member may apply to have special consideration to receive the Army Remembrance Pin. These applications will be considered by the Approval Authority on a case-by-case basis.

Family members who believe they are eligible to receive the Army Remembrance Pin are requested to complete form AE606 — Application for the Army Remembrance Pin (online version). A printable version of the form is available here.

Application forms can be emailed directly to: or sent by mail to:

Army Remembrance Pin
PO Box 7901

Please note: Applications for the Army Remembrance Pin are to include a certified ‘True Copy’ of the deceased member’s Certificate of Service.