To the best of our ability, these pictures have been correctly and properly sourced from known personal files and records, and appear with the owner's permission. If any have "slipped" through the wire, please let us know and we will remove them immediately, or provide a suitable credit.

Click on any gallery below to view the collection of photos.

Nui Dat from the Air

With thanks to the guys from 161 Recce flt
D&E Platoon - Operation HAYMAN 1966

(B&W Photos courtesy Michael McCarthy, former D&E Platoon Commander)
Battle of Coral

Photos courtesy Ross Anderson,
Original D&E Personnel 1966-1967

All pics in this next section supplied by Brian Cossar
Operation Massey Harris

Photos Copyright Wayne Scott. All rights reserved.
Reunion: Sawtell 2003

HQ1ATF Association REUNION 2003
Sawtell NSW
Reunion: Originals 2004

HQ1ATF "Original 66ers" REUNION 2004